Crown restorations cover and protect teeth that have been weakened by decay, prior restorations, fractures, or rootcanal treatment. The intended benefit of a crown is to replace missing natural tooth structure and restore the tooth tonormal function.
Crowns require at least two visits to complete. At the first visit, the dentist uses the drill to reduce thesize of the tooth. This makes room for the crown itself to fit on the remaining stump of tooth, called the preparation.After the drilling is complete, an impression, or mold, of the tooth preparation is made using a rubbery material. Atemporary crown is held with temporary cement while the crown restoration is being made by a dental laboratory. Ifyour temporary crown falls off or causes any problems, it is important to inform the clinic immediately.
I have been advised of and understand that treatment of dental conditions requiring crowns and/or fixed bridge work,involves certain risks and possible unsuccessful results, including the possibility of failure. Even when care and diligenceis exercised in the treatment of conditions requiring crowns and bridgework and fabrication of the same, there are nopromises or guarantees of anticipated results or the length of time the crown/fixed bridge work will last.
As with allprocedures, there are certain potential problems associated with crowns and bridges. These include, but are not limitedto:
1. Sensitivity of Teeth
2. Potential need for root canal therapy
3. Food impactions under the bridge: this may be an unavoidable condition. Meticulous home care is required.
4. Breakage: factors that can contribute include chewing excessively hard materials, change in biting forces,traumatic blows to the mouth, grinding, and wear over time.
5. Uncomfortable or strange feelings: crowns and bridges are artificial and therefore feel different from naturalteeth. Most patients become accustomed to this feeling over time.
Crowns should ideally be completed within 1 month. Wearing temporaries longer may result in having to re-impress forthe crown.
I understand that the final opportunity to make changes in my new crown/bridge including shape, fit, size, and color willbe before permanent cementation. After permanently cementing crowns and bridges, NO changes can be made.
I understand that, like natural teeth, crowns and bridges need to be kept clean with proper oral hygiene and periodicprofessional cleanings, otherwise decay may develop underneath and/or around the margins of the restorations, leadingto further dental treatment and possible replacement of the crowns/bridge.
At Captivate Dental, the staff and dentist will place additional efforts to ensure and longevity and quality of crowns/bridges.We want you to be happy with the treatment you receive here. Any questions or concerns please ask.